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If you’re getting ready to undergo a breast augmentation procedure, it can feel like there are a lot of things to consider. Don’t worry, though— Dr. Rocheford can make sure that you’re prepared and organized. In the meantime, however, it’s important to begin planning for your recovery, because it’s one of the most important parts of your procedure. Here are some things to consider when making your recovery list.

Make Arrangements

During your initial recovery, you’ll be spending much of your days in bed. This is an important step in making sure your body can heal and adjust. However, it can mean you need to assign some tasks to close friends or family who will be checking up on you. You’ll be unable to lift or move around too much, meaning you may need to enlist help in taking care of children or pets. Additionally, some chores should be left up to your helper. This can ensure that you’re able to spend most of your time resting and recovering.

Shop for What You Need

Since you won’t be able to go out for things you might need after surgery, it’s important to make sure you have them ahead of time. This includes stocking up on healthy snacks and drinks, as well as materials like pillows and comfy clothing. You should also look for entertainment like books or movies you’re interested in binging during your recovery— making a list can even be helpful in keeping you on-track. Also, be sure to fill any prescriptions so that you have them ready for your return home on surgery day.

Prepare Your Home

Carefully considering your recovery area can be an important step in making sure you’re comfortable and relaxed. Pick a room that has a comfy couch or bed, as well as climate control. Also make sure that you have space to keep important items like water or medications within reach. Additionally, it can be helpful to prepare some healthy, reheatable meals ahead of time so that you don’t need to worry about cooking. Overall, making things as easy for yourself as possible can contribute to your recovery and make sure you’re not putting strain or stress on yourself.

Schedule a Consultation

Breast augmentation comes with one of the highest rates of patient satisfaction, but recovery is an important step in making sure you achieve your results and stay healthy. To ask questions or schedule a consultation with Dr. Rocheford, contact our Minneapolis-St.Paul area office by calling or filling out our online form.

Patient Resources

Whether a new or returning patient, we have plenty of resources to either help you get started or learn more about the procedure process. From patient forms to blogs, we have all the resources you’ll need to prepare yourself for your appointment.

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