
Your Journey to Body Confidence: Your Guide to Breast Augmentation

Posted on April 4, 2024 by: Dr. Rocheford

Breast Augmentation – Creating Confidence

We at Rocheford Plastic Surgery, MN, know breast augmentation is a medical procedure that can have many personal benefits. Patients from the greater St. Paul region report a boost in well-being and confidence after undergoing breast augmentation. Our clinic approaches this procedure by treating the whole person, enhancing your physical appearance and your mental-wellbeing.

Benefits of Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation is about more than just increasing the size of your breasts. Some women want fuller breasts to achieve a more balanced look. Breasts that don’t match well due to asymmetry may cause feelings of insecurity in social situations or when wearing certain clothing items. Enlarging one breast to match the other improves balance, shape, and contour.

Starting Your Journey with a Consultation

Your first step on the road toward a breast augmentation is to get a consultation. Our board-certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Rocheford, will sit down with you to discuss your concerns and goals and open the floor for any questions you may have. During this time, Dr. Rocheford will explain all aspects of the procedure, assess your anatomy, and explain the surgical options available to you. The expected outcomes of this procedure will also be discussed including appearance, size, and feel.

The Procedure and Recovery

Breast augmentation procedures are outpatient procedures done under general anesthesia. Typically, the surgery will last two hours. The incision used during your procedure will depend on your implant type and desired results. The implants are most often placed over the chest muscles or below the breast tissue. In all cases, the doctor minimizes tissue damage and bruising.

Prepare for mild to moderate discomfort during your recovery. Swelling is not unusual and will likely slowly resolve in two to three weeks. You can return to work in a week or so, depending on the exertion required for your job. But if your work is very active, the return to work will take longer. Abstain from strenuous exercise routines for a month to allow for optimum healing. Your provider may prescribe pain medications for discomfort.

Who Should Have the Procedure?

The decision to have a breast augmentation is both personal and practical. The doctor and clinical staff can advise you on the sensible aspects of anatomy assessment, procedure, and recovery, but you make the final decision.

Schedule a Consultation

To learn more about breast augmentation procedures at Rocheford Plastic Surgery, book a consultation online by filling out our online contact form.