
Intense Pulsed Light: What You Need to Know

Posted on January 12, 2024 by: Dr. Rocheford

What is IPL Treatment and How Does it Work?

Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) Treatment is a non-invasive, medical procedure that uses energy emitted from various wavelengths of light to target and alter certain skin pigments and textures. IPL skin treatment targets pigmented skin cells called melanocytes, weakening them to allow the body to break them down naturally and carry them away via the lymphatic system, changing the skin’s appearance over time.

When to Try IPL Skin Rejuvenation Treatment?

IPL skin treatment is ideal because it eliminates the possibility of damage to surrounding tissues and is effective for treating a range of skin conditions. Most commonly, laser IPL treatment is performed to reduce darkly pigmented areas like those from sun damage, age spots, freckles, and birthmarks. In addition to these conditions, IPL can also be effective in reducing the visibility of varicose veins, clearing rosacea and facial blemishes, and brightening one’s complexion.

IPL skin treatments are most effective when performed in a series of sessions, individual sessions usually lasting less than an hour depending on the extensiveness of the treatment area. While many see results after just a single treatment, our team will work with you to make sure the full extent of any treatment plan is understood before moving forward.

How to Prepare for Your IPL Laser Treatment

When preparing to receive an IPL skin treatment, it is recommended to avoid significant sun exposure for three to four weeks prior to treatment. Harsh procedures such as waxes, chemical peels, or collagen treatments should also be avoided within a two-week window of your IPL laser treatment. On the day of your treatment, you should go in free of makeup, deodorant, and scented lotions or perfumes. Painkillers and blood thinners should not be ingested on the day of your treatment.

What to Expect

We will first discuss the goals you are hoping to achieve through IPL skin treatments. The treatment area will then be cleaned and you will be given protective eyewear to use for the duration of the procedure. The light wand will then be used to deliver light pulses to the area being targeted. Some redness and swelling should be expected immediately following treatment and will usually subside after approximately three hours. It is common for the treated areas to appear darker as the body works to clear the melanin from the treatment area over the course of three to four weeks. It is imperative that sunscreen be worn after IPL treatments to prevent photodamage since the skin will be sensitive to any sun exposure.

Schedule Your Consultation

If you are considering IPL Laser Treatment to clear up dark skin areas and improve your complexion, we offer treatments in our office, located in Minneapolis, MN. Schedule your consultation online at Rockford Plastic Surgery today! We will work with you, addressing skin concerns and customizing a treatment package that helps you meet your goals.