
Feel Prepared for Your Mommy Makeover Surgery

Posted on August 19, 2022 by: Dr. Rocheford

So, you have done your research, you’ve spoken with a board-certified plastic surgeon, and scheduled your mommy makeover procedure – congratulations! Now is the time to take the necessary steps to best prepare for your surgery. Read on for some recommendations to help reduce any stress or uncertainty surrounding your procedure for a smooth experience.

Time it Out

When planning out your mommy makeover, be sure that you choose a date that allows you enough time to recover afterward. This means it is best to avoid scheduling surgery right before weddings, vacations, or other big life events. Depending on the exact procedures performed, recovery can vary from 4-6 weeks.

Prepare Your Body

You should also prepare your body for surgery for the best possible recovery experience. This is because, the better shape your body is in before surgery, the faster recovery will be. Don’t overdo it, but be sure to follow a healthy diet and take part in exercises to strengthen your muscles.

It is also important that you have spoken with Dr. Rocheford regarding childbirth and breastfeeding. It is advised that a woman wait until their last child is at least six months old or they have stopped breastfeeding for six months to begin their mommy makeover procedure.

Also, be sure to let Dr. Rocheford know about all of your medications and medical conditions. This is important to ensure that medications are safe around the time of your surgery.

Ready Your Home

It is important to get your house in order prior to surgery to help make the recovery process easier. First, appoint a friend or family member to come and stay at your home during the first few days of your recovery, as you will need assistance getting around and performing tasks. Also, arrange any childcare that you may need. It can also help to make food and freeze it before surgery so that you won’t have to worry about meals.

Prepare for Surgery Day

Be sure to follow your surgeon’s prep instructions regarding your surgery. This may include avoiding eating and drinking after midnight, as you do not want food in your stomach while going under anesthesia. You may also be asked to cleanse your body with antibacterial soap the morning of surgery, as well as avoid any jewelry.

Schedule a Consultation

To learn more about the mommy makeover procedure in Minneapolis, MN, call Rocheford Plastic Surgery or fill out our online form today. You can schedule a plastic surgery consultation with Dr. Heather Rocheford, during which she can create a unique plastic surgery plan for you.