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PicoWay® Tattoo Removal is a laser treatment designed for the removal of tattoos and treatment of pigmentation, skin irregularities, and signs of aging. Unlike traditional tattoo removal, PicoWay® can treat multi-colored tattoos on different skin types while requiring fewer treatments than other tattoo lasers available on the market today.

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“Dr. Rocheford and her staff made me feel valued, comfortable and confident in my decision to go ahead with a tummy tuck, arm lift and breast lift. I could not be happier with the results. I am now about a year post-op and loving having a shape again! I had lost about 70 pounds and had so much extra skin. Everything is back where it belongs.
On the two days I had surgery, the staff made it feel more like a spa day than major surgery. The instructions for care after the procedure were clear and I had access to a nurse if I had any questions. I highly recommend you look at her before and after gallery if you are considering plastic surgery.”

“8 weeks ago i had Breast Implant Replacement along with a lift, I was so nervous about the pain and recovery but was assured i was in the best hands. I am so happy with my experience at Rocheford Plastic Surgery, Dr Rocheford, Jen & Staff are Wonderful.”

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How PicoWay® Tattoo Removal Works

PicoWay® uses picosecond laser technology to deliver targeted energy to the ink in ultra-short pulses. This means fast treatments with minimal discomfort. The high-powered laser energy essentially shatters the ink within the skin for maximum tattoo dissipation, but selectively targets the tattoo while preserving the surrounding skin, leaving it undamaged. Most treatment sessions take less than 45 minutes to complete, so you can easily fit PicoWay® treatments into your schedule.

Post-Treatment with PicoWay® Tattoo Removal

PicoWay® comes with fewer side effects than other laser removal treatments because it uses less heat. However, some common side effects include temporary redness and discoloration around the treatment area, which usually subsides within the first three days. Lightening of the skin might also accompany your treatment, but this also usually resolves. Treatments with PicoWay® can ultimately result in the diminished appearance of tattoos and pigmentation.

Cost of PicoWay® Tattoo Removal Laser

2x2: $400 | 4x4: $600 | 6x6: $800

A consultation is required to determine the price for areas larger than those above. Treatments needed: 4-6 Frequency: 8 weeks Downtime: None – but swelling and redness in the area may be present for the first 3 days.

Heather Rocheford, MD


There are so many fads and false promises out there. It’s almost impossible to make a confident decision without trusted advice, and that’s what I’m here for. My goal is to help you understand what is right for you – based on your unique situation.

Meet Dr. Rocheford

PicoWay Resolve Rejuvenation Laser

PicoWay® Resolve is a laser treatment that uses breakthrough technology and the shortest laser pulse available. Measured in picoseconds (trillionths of a second), it breaks down the pigment into small particles that can be absorbed by the body as waste. These pulses can be used to treat stubborn pigmentation and signs of aging. PicoWay® is also great for benign, pigmented lesions such as freckles, age spots, lentigines, Nevus of Ota, café-au-lait, and more. Each treatment usually takes about 20 minutes, with no required downtime.

After Treatment with PicoWay® Resolve

You may experience redness directly after your treatment with PicoWay® Resolve, which can be controlled with a cool compress. Results from PicoWay® Resolve are noticeable in just a few treatments. Almost all patients report satisfaction with their results from PicoWay®, with reduced appearance of facial lesions and other skin irregularities.

Cost of PicoWay®Resolve Rejuvenation Treatment

'Full face and neck: $550

Treatments needed: 3-6 Frequency: 4-6 weeks

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A board-certified plastic surgeon in Minneapolis-St. Paul, Dr. Heather Rocheford provides a full spectrum of surgical and non-surgical procedures. Request a private consultation to learn how she can customize treatments to your exact needs. Request Consultation.

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Tattoo Removal FAQs

Is laser tattoo removal painful? 

Laser tattoo removal is known for being a painful procedure. Some patients compare it to the sensation of getting the tattoo in the first place. Many people find the pain bearable when considering the outcome of no longer having the tattoo they don’t want. 

Will laser tattoo removal get rid of tattoos completely? 

The pigment of the tattoo that is completely removed varies. It can depend on the color of the ink, the depth, and the quality of the tattoo. In most cases, the tattoo will no longer be noticeable at all. 

How many sessions are needed? 

The amount of laser tattoo sessions needed to remove your tattoo varies from person to person. On average, most people will need around 6-8 sessions. 

Patient Resources

Whether a new or returning patient, we have plenty of resources to either help you get started or learn more about the procedure process. From patient forms to blogs, we have all the resources you’ll need to prepare yourself for your appointment.

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