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Many people have unwanted spider veins or vascular birthmarks that disrupt a smooth skin tone. While common, these issues can be a source of frustration or self-consciousness. Thankfully, modern technology allows patients to remove these unwanted vascular lesions with little to no downtime. Dr. Rocheford offers Vasculaze for Minneapolis area patients as a non-invasive treatment option for unwanted spider veins and other vascular blemishes.

What is Vasculaze?

Vasculaze is a diode laser treatment that is intended to treat unwanted visible veins or vascular blemishes. Vasculaze is an effective treatment option for common vascular issues including spider veins, wine stains, or angiomas. The technology combines effective laser technology with an ergonomic handpiece designed to improve your provider’s ability to see the vein as they are treating it for more precise results and enhanced safety.

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“Not only is her skill impeccable, she is knowledgeable, personable, and realistic. Her facility and staff is outstanding. I would recommend her without reservation.”

“There are not that many women surgeons in the Twin Cities. I felt Dr. Rocheford listened to what I wanted to achieve, didn’t push other procedures and was realistic about expected outcomes. I am so happy with the results, well placed stitch line and natural looking outcome. The aftercare nurse Jenny was spectacular. I felt well cared for and she was available whenever I had a question. If I decide to do another procedure I will definitely go back to Dr. Rocheford.”

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How Does Vasculaze Work?

The laser used during a Vasculaze treatment session targets the hemoglobin within the targeted vein, damaging the vein’s pigment. Following this damage, the vein will no longer be able to carry blood, so the body will naturally and safely reroute blood through a nearby healthy vein. The unusable damaged vein will then be metabolized by the body.

What Areas Can I Treat with Vasculaze?

Vasculaze is primarily used to treat the face or the legs. These areas are the most commonly affected by vascular blemishes like spider veins or birthmarks. In some cases, patients can also choose Vasculaze to treat the arms.

Patients with larger varicose veins on the legs may not be suited to Vasculaze treatment, as these veins can be too large to be effectively treated using the laser. Other treatment options may be available to treat these varicose veins. Our Provider can explain your best options during a consultation.

Heather Rocheford, MD


There are so many fads and false promises out there. It’s almost impossible to make a confident decision without trusted advice, and that’s what I’m here for. My goal is to help you understand what is right for you – based on your unique situation.

Meet Dr. Rocheford

Does Vasculaze Hurt?

Vasculaze treatment is not typically painful. Most patients describe the treatment as a tingly sensation or a mild snap as the laser targets the vein. The Vasculaze device includes a cooling system that helps improve comfort throughout the procedure.

The Vasculaze Procedure

After administering a local anesthetic, the Vasculaze handpiece will be directed to the treatment area to precisely target the unwanted vein or vascular lesion. As the laser targets the vein, you may feel a tingling or snapping sensation. Vasculaze treatment can be completed very quickly, with only a few seconds required per treated vein. The total length of your treatment time will vary depending on the number or size of the vascular lesions you wish to treat.

Most patients will require multiple treatment sessions to reach their ideal Vasculaze results. On average, patients receive about three total treatment sessions. During a consultation, our provider will explain a treatment plan that will suit your needs and achieve your ideal results.

What Can I Expect After Vasculaze?

Immediately after your Vasculaze treatment session, you can expect some side effects including swelling, redness, and mild bruising. These symptoms should be minor and will resolve within ten days. We may recommend compression through this time to help relieve your side effects and speed healing by promoting circulation. As you heal, you should avoid sun exposure as much as possible and wear appropriate SPF. Aside from these steps, you can immediately return to your routine after Vasculaze treatment.

The treated veins will begin to fade soon after treatment, with final results visible shortly after your last Vasculaze treatment session. After Vasculaze, you will notice more even and youthful-looking skin with reduced visible veins.

Schedule a Consultation

To learn more about Vasculaze, schedule a consultation. Call Rocheford Plastic Surgery in Woodbury, MN at (651) 739-1100 or contact us online to schedule your appointment.

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Vasculaze FAQs 

Who is an ideal candidate for Vasculaze? 

Ideal candidates for Vasculaze are individuals seeking a solution for vascular lesions such as spider veins or broken capillaries on the face or body. It is suitable for various skin types and tones. A consultation with a qualified practitioner can determine individual eligibility based on skin conditions, medical history, and desired outcomes. 

How many sessions of Vasculaze are needed? 

 The number of Vasculaze sessions required varies depending on the size, extent, and type of vascular lesions being treated. Generally, multiple sessions, often ranging from 1 to 3, are recommended for optimal results. Each session typically lasts between 15 to 30 minutes, depending on the treated area and the severity of the vascular lesions. 

Is there any downtime or discomfort associated with Vasculaze? 

Patients report very little discomfort with Vasculaze treatments. There is typically little to no downtime, allowing individuals to resume their normal activities immediately after the session. Some patients may experience mild redness or swelling in the treated area, but these effects are temporary and usually subside within a short period. 

Patient Resources

Whether a new or returning patient, we have plenty of resources to either help you get started or learn more about the procedure process. From patient forms to blogs, we have all the resources you’ll need to prepare yourself for your appointment.

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