This is a 30-year-old female who is interested in a breast lift. She has felt for a while that her breasts are too large and too ptotic. The patient underwent a breast lift procedure. Postoperatively, she is very happy with her result. 0.45 pounds was removed on the right and 0.43 pounds we removed on the left.
This is a 42-year-old woman who was interested in breast lift. She had 2 children and breastfed both. She was unhappy with the appearance of her breasts after nursing and was interested in a lift procedure. She underwent a lift without any implant. Postoperatively, she was very happy with her breast appearance and the ability to go without a bra and certain items of clothing, and she feels comfortable in a bra that her breast tissue was not going to fall out. Her bra size stayed the same, but she was able to wear bras more comfortably.
This is a 39-year-old woman from Brooklyn Park, Minnesota, who was interested in breast lift and mini-abdominoplasty. At the time of surgery, she underwent a bilateral breast lift with a slight reduction on the right, in order to improve asymmetry. She underwent a mini tummy tuck. Postoperatively, she was very happy with her result. She had no evidence of hypertrophic scarring. She loved her new shape.
This is a 32-year-old female who was interested in breast lift. She was very unhappy with her breast appearance after nursing her children. She underwent a breast lift procedure. Postoperatively, she was very pleased with the contour of her breast. She was able to wear tank tops and sundresses without a bra.
This is a 43-year-old woman from Woodbury, Minnesota who is interested in breast revision. She had previously had implants placed. Subsequent to the placement of her implant, she had two pregnancies and a significant weight loss. As a result, she developed significant droop and felt that her breasts were not in line with how she felt about herself. She underwent bilateral breast implant removal and replacement along with breast lift. Postoperatively, she is very happy with her results. Her previous implants had been 430 cc on the left and 485 cc on the right. At the time of her surgery, she opted for a smaller implant with the 270 cc implant on the right and a 210 cc on the left. She is very happy with her lifted and small look. She felt it was more appropriate for her frame and made it easier for her to workout.
This is a 39-year-old woman from Cottage Grove, Minnesota who had lost 70 pounds through diet and exercise. She was interested in breast lift and augmentation. She underwent breast augmentation with 350 cc saline implants filled to 400 cc. She also underwent a lift. Postoperatively, she was wearing a 36D bra. She was very happy with her result.
This is a 49-year-old woman who was interested in breast lift and augmentation. Prior to surgery, she was wearing a 38D bra but did not feel secure in her bra. She felt that her breast often was not stable inside the bra. She underwent a breast lift and augmentation. At the time of her augmentation, she had 300 cc silicone gel Moderate Plus implants placed. These were placed in the submuscular position. Postoperatively, she was wearing a 36D bra but filling it out completely and was very happy with the new position of her nipple-areolar complexes.
This patient is a 25-year-old woman from Cottage Grove, Minnesota who was interested in a breast lift and augmentation. She had a size 275-cc implant placed in the submuscular position. She went from wearing a 34B to a 34D bra postoperatively. She is very happy with her new fuller figure.
Patient Age: 25
Patient Gender: Female
Implant Placement: Submuscular
If you like the results you see here, request a consultation to learn more about how this procedure can help you achieve your ideal appearance. We encourage you to print your favorite photos and bring them with you during your consultation to help communicate your goals and expectations.
Keep in mind that each patient is unique and results may not occur for all patients. These photos are of an actual patient of our practice who has provided consent to display their pictures online.
Whether a new or returning patient, we have plenty of resources to either help you get started or learn more about the procedure process. From patient forms to blogs, we have all the resources you’ll need to prepare yourself for your appointment.