
Breast Lift Incision Facts You Should Know

Posted on January 21, 2015 by: Dr. Rocheford

Women in the US are very interested in breast lift surgery, and this has helped make it one of the top 5 aesthetic procedures in the US. A breast lift is done to raise and firm the breasts, and to restore shape and firmness.  It is very common following pregnancy and weight loss. There are different techniques that can be used to perform breast lift surgery, and the placement of the incision varies. Let’s take a look at some breast lift incision facts.

Breast lift incision sites

A breast lift is recommended for women with mild to severe breast ptosis (droop).  The number of incisions, as well as their length, will depend on the breast lift technique that the plastic surgeon uses. The incision will also be determined by the type of lift that the woman needs.

Types of breast lift incisions

• The lollipop breast lift is often requested by women, because it only leaves a small vertical line on the lower part of the breast. The incision is made around the areola, and the line goes all the way down the breast crease. This is best for women with mild ptosis (droop).

• The anchor incision is made around the areola using two lines. It has a vertical line that goes down the breast crease similar to the lollipop incision, but there is also a horizontal line that goes along the crease of the breast. This is best for women with moderate to severe breast ptosis (droop).

• With a peri-areolar mastopexy, also known as a donut mastopexy, an incision is made around the areola.  This is for women with moderate breast ptosis.

If you are interested in learning more about a breast lift, or if you would like to schedule a consultation with Dr. Rocheford at Rocheford Plastic Surgery, please call 651-739-1100.