
Facial Rejuvenation with Fat Grafting

Posted on October 29, 2015 by: Dr. Rocheford

Wrinkles and sagging skin don’t just appear overnight.  In fact, as we age, gravity and age slowly works to pull skin down, resulting in drooping skin and jowls.  On top of that, volume loss within the face can make exaggerate the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and creases.

That’s why, if you want to truly achieve a youthful and natural-looking appearance, you might want to address fat loss in your face via facial fat grafting.

Facial Fat Grafting 101

Fat grafting is a permanent filler that gives a soft, natural result.  With this surgical procedure, fat is harvested from the donor site (usually from the stomach or thighs) and purified for re-injection into the treatment area.  A skilled and experienced plastic surgeon can use the fat to carefully contour and address fat loss in the face, especially in hollow cheeks and eyes.  The end result is a softer, youthful appearance that looks much more natural than simply using skin injections or over-the-counter creams.

Many patients prefer to undergo facial fat grafting because it’s a minimally invasive surgical procedure; what’s more, results can be significant.  However, it’s important to note that it may take a couple of procedures for the harvested fat to take.  Although the fat is your own, there’s still a chance that the grafted fat might not get enough blood supply to survive.  However, once a graft takes, it’s there forever.

Fat Grafting at Rocheford Plastic Surgery

At Rocheford Plastic Surgery – located in Woodbury, MN – board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Heather Rocheford specializes in facial rejuvenation via fat grafting.  During your consultation, Dr. Rocheford will discuss your goals and expectations to determine if you’re an ideal candidate for this procedure.  Patients can expect temporary swelling and pain after the treatment. You will need to be off work for 1 week, unless you work from home.

For more information about facial rejuvenation via fat grafting, schedule a consultation with Dr. Rocheford at Rocheford Plastic Surgery in Woodbury, MN.  Rocheford Plastic Surgery serves the greater St. Paul/Minneapolis metro areas. Call 651-739-1100 to learn more.