The new school year and the start of fall are all about confidence. Starting the school year off on a high note is important, and while embracing our imperfections is a good thing at times, sometimes getting rid of a hard to shake insecurity is exactly what we need to have the confidence we require in other areas of our lives.
Some people get scared away by the idea of getting something excised from their face or body; however, this is such a quick way to have the source of your insecurities removed forever. The process of your mole removal will depend on the size of the mole and the depth in which Dr. Rocheford would have to go in to remove it. The great thing about taking this route instead of a laser or other methods is that it is removed the day of the procedure and your skin can begin healing immediately.
Mole removal is far simpler than many think. Dr. Rocheford is able to easily remove a mole from the face or body under local anesthesia right here in the office. Also, Dr. Rocheford is able to remove up to four in one visit. Depending on the method Dr. Rocheford chooses, you may have stitches internally that will dissolve in on their own or external stitches that can be removed in approximately six days. While you will be left with a scar, this scar will fade over time, as long as it is covered by SPF during sun exposure.
If you have a pesky mole that you are sick of hiding or covering up with makeup, schedule your consultation with Dr. Rocheford today. Taking the plunge on mole removal can help you feel more confident and comfortable for the new school year. For more information, visit our blog!
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